its only 3 days left before i go back to work..err...yea, back to work,means back to school,back to school, equal to= time management..nah, now i have these two boys to manage, from morning till late evening untill their abah come back from work...everything will be under my responsibilty alone, beginning next monday. i've to switch my mode, to working mode, reschedule my timetable, from preparing their bags(two bags now) the list goes:
My 3 months schedule (holiday mode)
:650am- subh prayer
-prepare the breakfast
-Stocking BM(coz rayhan still on fully bf)
:8ooam -surf the net
-mandikan the boys,n feed them
:11am -kemas umah etc..
-prepare the lunch
:1pm- leisure time with the boys...smpai abah diorg balik..huhu
now; there'll be no more leisure..nah,my time will like this;
a night before working day:
:10 pm- prepare the bags;
abg rayyan's bag: diapers,clothes,FM,bottles,toiletteries die...(which is easier)
adik rayhan's bag: diapers,morning clothes,evening clothes ,toiletteries,minyak2an bayi, EBM( adik is still on fully bf,so i've to remind myself to put 4 bottles of 5oz BM early in the morning),warmer,bottles,soother(which is more complicated aite??) huhuu
:11pm iron my clothes n hubby's for tomorrow
:12am: bedtime :)
:530am- bangunnnn!!!! mandi n subh prayer
:600am- prepare rayyan's food for d day: bfast,lunch,snacks.
-prepare adik's EBM
-prepare our bfast
:645- ready to go...the boys will be sent by their abah :)
i will be at skool, and have to fetch them by 5pm!! (errr..lewatnye awak balik? cikgu ke???) YEEE!!! cikgu skolah saye plg awal dtg,dan plg lewat balik, coz gaji kitorg 10k!! (erghh) penat tau x...:(
nah..that's why i said i've to rescheduled my time,switch on my working mode! bluesss oh bluessss..malas!!