its been a year,since the last time i wrote here...ouhh lamenye,kalo umah da bersawang2 da tggal lame cenggitu,siap ade sarang tikus lagi hik hikk...i'm now a mother of two, oh ya ...a few days after my last post i had delivered a beautiful baby boy, weighing 3.45 kg, through cesarean section, again.yes,again.this is my 2nd time, and i had d d same experience ,exactly the same 2 years back, when i delivered rayyan...
i was admitted twice for this 2nd pregnancy...first time was on 13th june 2011,due to the baby's breech positoning,and the doctor decided to undergo the c sect on me the next day, which is 14th june...but miracle happened, and he suddenly turned back to the normal position,which is cephalic, and it did,yes,raise my spirit and hope to deliver him through VBAC--- yerp,its a shortform of normal birth after csect...yeah, to be honest, sejujur2nyeee, of course i put a very high hope for this 2nd pregnancy, to keep up a good health, and maintaing the good eating habit, and for sure to deliver him through normal way..but who am i to say this and that?? Allah knows best, and when He says this,it will not turn out the other way around..and yerp, i have to accept the fact that i can't deliver him throughnormal way..why???let me story mory the morning glory to u okeh?
this 2nd pregnancy really test my patience, it does... he been overdued ...the 'flight'had been delayed for 10 days..and ergghhh...u know how does it feels when u have to wait and wait??? its like waiting is a torture to me!! i'd been warded on the 6th day after due (which is 26th june) and after considering my condition, and the baby's slow progress,the O & G team decided to induced me, this time they didnt use pills induction(like i had when i delivered rayyan bfore)---sakit nak ma****!!!! this time they used 'balloon'---does it sound funny?? ---hello,its not hokey! its not funny at all..and its painful as well..its like u r having a pin in ur ass!!! ouwchh!!! tapi kan, luckily i had been accompanied by my mr right,encik suami yg sentiasa ade di sisi--eceh! i was lucky because, for both sons(alamak,terbgtau lak) encik suami ade dlm labour room...
i was sent to the labour room, after subh prayer..i managed to hd my last prayer(sobs..mcm nak mati rase...yela, mane tau x pjg umur kan...:() a few minutes after i done, i feel a little fluid red liquid running down my limbs...and yeah,i'm bleeding and it was so painful,actually dis contraction since 12am midnite lagi..mmg sakit x hengat..tak dapat tido langsung,pegang2 besi katil nurses suh bertahan sbb blum kuar darah or air was 7 am, n one lady doctor came n check my path way, n she said, it's 4, suddenly die called the nurse...óne wheelchair,patient no 8, 4 cm, in labour'' wahhh..akhirnyee.kate ku dlm atii..walaupun sgt2 saket*hingga menggigit jari* tapi hati ni gumbira krn path da bukak, n x lame g bole jumpe my new baby!
i was wheeled to the LR, n a few minutes later my hubby came inside, to calm me down..two lady doctors came n broke the amniotic fluids( n it feels like he**) rase nk sepak je doctor ni! huhuu...they said, byk2 doa n tawakal insyaAllah by 12 bole bukak full...
tick tock tick tock..its near 12 and didnt realised at all..maybe because it was too painful(contraction,no gap in between),even my hubby da habis modal bercerita, siap buat lawak tahap maharaja lawak,tapi x jalan 12 sharp, the O n G team came in n checked the
path again...dup dap dup dap..whaaaaattt??? 4 cm lagikk???? nahhh, now i started to feel down, and sad, but hubby was there to cheer me up...:) the doctor then came again by 4 pm, n as expected , it still 4 cm!!! he said, the hope was only 5 % left..only miracle could save me....but maybe it's been written, by 7pm, when it was still 4cm, i was wheeled to the OT (operation theatre) for the cesarean section...deep down inside, i feel so disappointed, but the O n G team at HTJ did a good job! they supported me, cheer me up, n said this is not the end of the world..but bear in mind, i have two more chances only..i will only have four kids, that's final :( but then, still, praises to Allah, at least ade anak kan...:)
uwaaaaa 7.21 pm, Muhammad Rayhan Rizqie was born . he was safely delivered tru c section,and he was so beautiful..i could listened to his voice , crying loudly, maybe it was too cold in the OT...i had an experience before(when i delivered rayyan) so, i didnt have too much anxiety being in the fact, i feel so relief when the spinal back jab works...all the contraction pains went away...waaahhh....hilang sumee.....after 2 hours, i was sent back the my room and there the pain came...nah, the knife cut you 'feel!! sedap sgguh rasenye,huhu...the untold part about csct is when u lost the numb feel, and it was sooo painful to stand, to sit and to breastfeed ur baby..but luckily, i had experience before, n it was not so hard this time..its all about mind setting..i set my mind to be strong and tough, because i'm a mommy of two now! huhu....
rayhan is now two months and a half now, and my 3 months holiday hv come to the end..back to reality, bye bye more breakfast with mummy, no more wake up late with the boys, and sleep late at night...sobss....mummy loves both of u, rayyan n rayhan, and their abah too!!!!
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