think about about lines..aduhai..lines lines..lines..
i thought it was one..but double!~~~double ????? double is trouble???NOO!!!! eish eish...forgive me Allah,say not!!! its His faith,His 'gift'..
My dizziness became worst from day to menstruation cycle was delayed,no hecks!! it is! and it makes me does. haih..
3 days late is abnormal. for me.according to me. refer to the never delayed.never late...
it was a very hectic day,and late evening when i came home;
Rayyan: maaa maaaa,booooo(sambil moncong)-a sign to kiss him..
Hubby: mummy tak solat ke? da nak abis maghrib ni...
Me: tak..just now period la, abah.. ;(
Hubby: oohh..yeke(low tone-shows sad tone,huhu) ..tapi, da lewat 3 ari kan?
Me: a'a, tapi da period, biarla...lalala(without continuing the conversation, rushingly to the rest room)
But deep down inside, I feel weird..there's something different about me.the appetite.the menstruation.the bitter taste. the drinks,the food.sume2 la...ahh, biarla..xde ape2 la, my hubby said...
Time flies, and its Monday;;
a very sharp, painful headache, and i suddenly felt so of colleague :
C: are you ok? demam ke??
Me: xdela, kak..ok je...
C: dari tadi mabuk je..ko pregnant ke???
Me:Ish takla, saye period ni..akak ni..
C: eh, ade org period tapi pregnant tau..jgn memain..
Me: Haaa??? yeke?? cane tu???
C: pegi O n G la check up..
Me: okla,balik nnti sy sggah (without hesitation,terus nak pegi O n G..pelik??)
At the O&G Clinic:
Doc:After your explanation, i think i need to take ur urine test for UPT (Urine Pregnancy Test)
Me: aikk?? pregnant??
Doc: xpe Puan Mashitah, check dulu,k..
Me:ok, then..(n trus menuju ke toilet dgn nervousnye...aik???pregnant???seramnye...)
In doctor's room(while waiting for the test...ish, seram mcm nak tggu result exam plak rasenye...huhu)
Doc:Mashitah,da ready for 2nd baby aite?
Me: err...err....
Doc: Congratulations,its positive!!!
Me: haaa?????really??? eh tak tak.doc, its wrong! it can't be...!! i'm having my menstruation! xkanla??
Doc: its ok, dat's not period, dats what we call discharge-darah yg keluar kaler coklat gelap-sign of implantation(dats what he said, thou i don't really understand..huhu)
Me: abis?? saye sakit ke? baby saye? ok ke? nape bleeding?????
Doc: Rilex, Puan.calm down,ok, doc akan buat scan and there we'll see...
In the ECG room...
Huhu..scarry..nape kena check 'dis way'?
Doc: To make sure its not an ectopic pregnancy..
Once the ECG running, i can see clearly,
a tiny, petite , in a size of a sesame seed, right on the uterus wall...
Doc: that's him/her...nampak kan??
Me: ooo yekee???wa, so cutee(kecik lagii lee)
a tears of joy, a very warm one, running down my cheeks...alahai..sian die.....
Doc: so, Puan, i'll give u medicine,and make sure u come back after one week k!
there i go..a new journey,of my new baby, may everything goes with the flow,help me Allah!!! amin!