Sunday, October 24, 2010


we're moving to our new house (who are we?? my hubby,my babies and i for sure) ,next month...the first thing in mind is; RENOVATION! the next thing is DECORATION.haih..i'm not good in any of these,but I'll try my best.

To those who are staying in Seremban,or nearby I really need your recommendation about those listed below;

* any contacts for wet kitchen renovator (affordable and cepat siap ye!)

*any best price and affordable contacts for: Kitchen cabinets supplier (lagi murah lagi bagus!hehe)

*one stop point for furniture...(yg best quality)

*landscaper yg terror design halaman dalam rumah...

*house renovation contractor (for grails, plaster ceiling etc)

* one more thing, if any of u, penah beli furniture or tempah kitchen cabinet at ikea, is the price shown is the actual price (in the catalogue) or, x include lagi labor costs and delivery costs?

Example kan; (ceh! mcm kat skolah plak..;)

mcm kitchen di atas; the price shown is RM 2500(not L or U shape,kalo nak tambah L shape,maybe 5000++) but the thing is,is it including the labor costs? or is it better to try ikea designs or just simply take any local contractor?

fenin feninnn....


Star demok. owl comel. pish???

He used to be very obsessed with this movie below; for 8 months taw!! haihh..sgt2 penat mummy and abah terpakse watch this movie over and over again..boring x hengat...mcm nak muntah ;p but what to do, everytime we have a ride in a car, die akn jerit2 'Kaaaa'- means Willy Wonka (johnny depp) in dat particular movie...

But dat was before this video coming up; (a new obsession) huhu

This video is my son's latest obsession. He'll watch this over and over again until he sleep...

Star demok (stars gemok)-kate mangah die... owl comel- kate mummy.
Rayyan: PISH???? (fish??) adoyaiii..mane ade fish....hehehe

He definitely loves to watch the video, because the singer is a kid ,his voice sounds so cute and cheerful,so soothing for the kids ears,and made them stand still, or sit silenty,and watched until they fall asleep....

mari nyanyi version Rayyan Rifqie :

Ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta (ulang lyrics sampai abis ikut music twinkle2) hehehe

mmmuahss :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

|| double LINE ??? ||

think about about lines..aduhai..lines lines..lines..

i thought it was one..but double!~~~double ????? double is trouble???NOO!!!! eish eish...forgive me Allah,say not!!! its His faith,His 'gift'..

My dizziness became worst from day to menstruation cycle was delayed,no hecks!! it is! and it makes me does. haih..

3 days late is abnormal. for me.according to me. refer to the never delayed.never late...

it was a very hectic day,and late evening when i came home;

Rayyan: maaa maaaa,booooo(sambil moncong)-a sign to kiss him..
Hubby: mummy tak solat ke? da nak abis maghrib ni...
Me: tak..just now period la, abah.. ;(
Hubby: oohh..yeke(low tone-shows sad tone,huhu) ..tapi, da lewat 3 ari kan?
Me: a'a, tapi da period, biarla...lalala(without continuing the conversation, rushingly to the rest room)

But deep down inside, I feel weird..there's something different about me.the appetite.the menstruation.the bitter taste. the drinks,the food.sume2 la...ahh, biarla..xde ape2 la, my hubby said...

Time flies, and its Monday;;

a very sharp, painful headache, and i suddenly felt so of colleague :

C: are you ok? demam ke??
Me: xdela, kak..ok je...
C: dari tadi mabuk je..ko pregnant ke???
Me:Ish takla, saye period ni..akak ni..
C: eh, ade org period tapi pregnant tau..jgn memain..
Me: Haaa??? yeke?? cane tu???
C: pegi O n G la check up..
Me: okla,balik nnti sy sggah (without hesitation,terus nak pegi O n G..pelik??)

At the O&G Clinic:

Doc:After your explanation, i think i need to take ur urine test for UPT (Urine Pregnancy Test)

Me: aikk?? pregnant??

Doc: xpe Puan Mashitah, check dulu,k..

Me:ok, then..(n trus menuju ke toilet dgn nervousnye...aik???pregnant???seramnye...)

In doctor's room(while waiting for the test...ish, seram mcm nak tggu result exam plak rasenye...huhu)

Doc:Mashitah,da ready for 2nd baby aite?

Me: err...err....

Doc: Congratulations,its positive!!!

Me: haaa?????really??? eh tak tak.doc, its wrong! it can't be...!! i'm having my menstruation! xkanla??

Doc: its ok, dat's not period, dats what we call discharge-darah yg keluar kaler coklat gelap-sign of implantation(dats what he said, thou i don't really understand..huhu)

Me: abis?? saye sakit ke? baby saye? ok ke? nape bleeding?????

Doc: Rilex, Puan.calm down,ok, doc akan buat scan and there we'll see...

In the ECG room...

Huhu..scarry..nape kena check 'dis way'?

Doc: To make sure its not an ectopic pregnancy..

Once the ECG running, i can see clearly,
a tiny, petite , in a size of a sesame seed, right on the uterus wall...

Doc: that's him/her...nampak kan??

Me: ooo yekee???wa, so cutee(kecik lagii lee)

a tears of joy, a very warm one, running down my cheeks...alahai..sian die.....

Doc: so, Puan, i'll give u medicine,and make sure u come back after one week k!

there i go..a new journey,of my new baby, may everything goes with the flow,help me Allah!!! amin!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Despicable me!

saye termenung lagi...kali ini lebih jauh....cikgu? ye...saye kini seorang bahasa silap. eh betul lah!!!! eh susahnye...

i 'm a lady(am i??) i'm a wife to my hubby dearie, a mother to Rayyan Rifqie, a daughter to my lovey dovey parents, and a teacher to my students.

But still...its incorrect!!!

20years back, when my teacher asked me:

T: mashitah, awk da besar nak jadi ape?
A: Saye nak jadi doctor,cekgu...
T: Doctor ape?
A:Doctor haiwan,sebab kucing saye baru je mati..nanti saye nak carik ubat yg wat die idop lame2...sobsss

itula cita2 zaman dolu2....

10 years back: (18yrs old)

In one of the cozy lecture hall,in Uitm...

Lecturer: Allright class, write about what you want to be in another 3 yrs, send it tome later..

You know what have i written??

I wanted to be LIKE YOU, Madam!!! I admire your talent, your dresses, your shoes, and i love all the things about you! huhuuuu
Stalker la youuuu...euwwww my 2nd ambition when i turned teenager is: English Lecturer!!

Now; Present:

Hubby: Yang, kate nak apply masters taun ni? ke nak trus stay kat skool?

Me: Malas arrr...syg nak jadiii...suri rumahhh!!!!!!!!!!

Hubby: pulak dahh????

So that's me...Today i want to be this,tomorrow i want to be that, 10 more yrs to come, i want to be another one....haih....thinking about where will i end my career journey will drive me crazy, so i told myself to just go with the flow...

My hubby said: Ala...keje je ape yg depan mate...nanti2 ade peluang...poommm!!!! kita meletopp!!!

Me: Haaa??????????

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

dizzy and blur.

Salam,n good day everyone!!! its been a very long time after i wrote the last post tru my honestsoliloquy!'s only little guy n me at home..we're having good time haa!!!!heeee..its hot and dry out there...but i managed to sang lullaby to little Rayyan(though the song sounds croaky due to my sore throats problem) Its been a while, i mean i got this kind of sore throat with ulcers disease(does it called disease?) huhu..

It's 2.55 pm, in the evening.Little guy is still in my arms, so after i make sure that he is absolutely 100% fall asleep,I put him on his comfy lil mattress (next to me, coz he'll cry out once he realised there's no one around)n i slowly tip toeing to my notebook, and what am I going to do? Facebooking? Again? Haih..bosannye hidup bile MC...I'm on leave today..Doc gave me 2 days MC.I had fever.on and off.sore throat with 'rows' of ulcers(i hate 'em), sore the must have one- flu and cough-yucks! Anyway, I used to remember my ustaz said, "Sakit itu adalah salah satu cara penghapus dosa2 kamu..." so, I must accept.The right word is 'redha'...

Still writing, my head suddenly feel so damn heavy, like a 10 kg rice is pounding me ,erghhh....i feel dizzy since morning..without knowing the reason why. Haaa...mulela ppl come out with assumption, 'haa..ko preggy kot???' huhuu...macam2 la korang ni..xleh loya sket,pening sket.., preggy aje...Looking at the calendar,my menstruation date had wave 'bye bye' ,which means, its already due 3 days ago...i don't have any idea on what situation am i facing..but I easily feel tired lately,and when i been so busy, i will become damnnnn much hungry u know! i'll eat like a monster then..sgt seram hokey??

Flipping over the pages of Ikea catalogue, 2011------wahhhh...suddenly sakit kepalaku tiadaaa..taraaaaa...hahaha..I suddenly came out with tonnes of ideas for my new house- the developer told us they will hand over the keys most probably next month,or by early december! OMG! I can't wait! We are moving to our new house! Our ver own one!!! I loikeee!!!!!!! :)

Back to the catalogue story mory kan, i found the even lower price for sofas, armchairs,lamps, n not to forget the kitchen cabinet!! with the most reasonable price,and the quality?? of course undeniable,Ikea kan...haihh aku ni...bukan ke demam? suddenly ok je??

Now after i finish up 'studying' the whole catalogue, now I got the ideas!!! x sabarnye! Aik??? The dizziness went away tadi...die naik LRT..hehehe....

Some of the awesome products I love........;)


Friday, June 11, 2010

~my ONE stop CEnTre~

Are you searching for;

* beautiful,unique design of fabrics- kain pasang for baju kurung and kebaya (imported directly from Indonesia)

* assorted and variety choices of cakes (fresh from the oven)

*cute cuppy cakes for certain occasion?

then, you may contact me and i'll be available after 22nd june 2010 =)

see you then....;)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

longing for a vacation...!!

Mr holiday, here i come!!!!

it was a few months back, since i have my last holiday , to Singapore...there were only the 3 of us...but this time, we are going to have, CUTI CUTI INDONESIA!!! not only the 3 of us, but my mom in law will be there as well as my in law, my hubby uncle's family will join us as

we are going to depart tomorrow, by 1 pm, and i can't wait to say hello to mr saturday...! this will be my first time ever to reach Sukarno's land and i'm sure there will be, fun fun fun!!!

we havent finished to pack up our things, u know la, rayyan, when we pack, he'll unpack..and that was what happened continously..haih....bertuah punye berkemas, die pun same =)

we managed to pack up our clothes n his bags n bags of things to bring..itupun by 1230 am midnite baru siap!mcm nila bila ade anak kecik, brg die, of course lg banyak dr brg kite..huhuhu....sooo many things to bring, from clothes to diapers, from medicine to his smallest thingy like soother n not to forget, his bantal bucuk!! ekeke...

can't wait to meet our relatives in jakarta tomorrow!!! till we meet again after my vacation, pen off..daaaaa ;)

a new beginning....;)

salam... n good day everyone!!!

it's a RESTART for blogger like me..because i used to be in, but that was a long time before...when i was still Miss Mashitah,single and available,ahaks!!

but things have changed now....hehe..jeng jeng...

i'm a fulltime wife (not housewife eh....) to mr fadhlie

a mummy to ; muhd rayyan rifqie=)

a fulltime english teacher in one of the schools in seremban =)

a lot of things have changed, and my routine of life have changed as became busier, but merrier and happier than before..=) ~wink wink~

being a mummy is never easy, but i learn a new thing, every single day and being a mummy is when you are tired,but you never complaint,when you are tense,but you are learning about your new family member..and the feeling is just too wonderful to be described, and to be written ...=)
Rayyan, mummy is very proud to have you,baby.i pray,everyday,that u'll grow up and become a good son, who will never forget his parents....=)

being a wife, to my man, is the most wonderful moment in my life...he is the one, my best friend,my tears,my laughter,my medicine,my everything..he is my one and only hubby...mohd fadhlie=)

abang,i love u muchoo!!!

dedicated to my heroes:

i just can't live without both of u!!!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Posted by Mashy a.k.a Mummyrayyan at 1:26 AM 0 comments
we're moving to our new house (who are we?? my hubby,my babies and i for sure) ,next month...the first thing in mind is; RENOVATION! the next thing is DECORATION.haih..i'm not good in any of these,but I'll try my best.

To those who are staying in Seremban,or nearby I really need your recommendation about those listed below;

* any contacts for wet kitchen renovator (affordable and cepat siap ye!)

*any best price and affordable contacts for: Kitchen cabinets supplier (lagi murah lagi bagus!hehe)

*one stop point for furniture...(yg best quality)

*landscaper yg terror design halaman dalam rumah...

*house renovation contractor (for grails, plaster ceiling etc)

* one more thing, if any of u, penah beli furniture or tempah kitchen cabinet at ikea, is the price shown is the actual price (in the catalogue) or, x include lagi labor costs and delivery costs?

Example kan; (ceh! mcm kat skolah plak..;)

mcm kitchen di atas; the price shown is RM 2500(not L or U shape,kalo nak tambah L shape,maybe 5000++) but the thing is,is it including the labor costs? or is it better to try ikea designs or just simply take any local contractor?

fenin feninnn....


Star demok. owl comel. pish???

Posted by Mashy a.k.a Mummyrayyan at 1:04 AM 0 comments
He used to be very obsessed with this movie below; for 8 months taw!! haihh..sgt2 penat mummy and abah terpakse watch this movie over and over again..boring x hengat...mcm nak muntah ;p but what to do, everytime we have a ride in a car, die akn jerit2 'Kaaaa'- means Willy Wonka (johnny depp) in dat particular movie...

But dat was before this video coming up; (a new obsession) huhu

This video is my son's latest obsession. He'll watch this over and over again until he sleep...

Star demok (stars gemok)-kate mangah die... owl comel- kate mummy.
Rayyan: PISH???? (fish??) adoyaiii..mane ade fish....hehehe

He definitely loves to watch the video, because the singer is a kid ,his voice sounds so cute and cheerful,so soothing for the kids ears,and made them stand still, or sit silenty,and watched until they fall asleep....

mari nyanyi version Rayyan Rifqie :

Ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta (ulang lyrics sampai abis ikut music twinkle2) hehehe

mmmuahss :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

|| double LINE ??? ||

Posted by Mashy a.k.a Mummyrayyan at 12:18 AM 1 comments

think about about lines..aduhai..lines lines..lines..

i thought it was one..but double!~~~double ????? double is trouble???NOO!!!! eish eish...forgive me Allah,say not!!! its His faith,His 'gift'..

My dizziness became worst from day to menstruation cycle was delayed,no hecks!! it is! and it makes me does. haih..

3 days late is abnormal. for me.according to me. refer to the never delayed.never late...

it was a very hectic day,and late evening when i came home;

Rayyan: maaa maaaa,booooo(sambil moncong)-a sign to kiss him..
Hubby: mummy tak solat ke? da nak abis maghrib ni...
Me: tak..just now period la, abah.. ;(
Hubby: oohh..yeke(low tone-shows sad tone,huhu) ..tapi, da lewat 3 ari kan?
Me: a'a, tapi da period, biarla...lalala(without continuing the conversation, rushingly to the rest room)

But deep down inside, I feel weird..there's something different about me.the appetite.the menstruation.the bitter taste. the drinks,the food.sume2 la...ahh, biarla..xde ape2 la, my hubby said...

Time flies, and its Monday;;

a very sharp, painful headache, and i suddenly felt so of colleague :

C: are you ok? demam ke??
Me: xdela, kak..ok je...
C: dari tadi mabuk je..ko pregnant ke???
Me:Ish takla, saye period ni..akak ni..
C: eh, ade org period tapi pregnant tau..jgn memain..
Me: Haaa??? yeke?? cane tu???
C: pegi O n G la check up..
Me: okla,balik nnti sy sggah (without hesitation,terus nak pegi O n G..pelik??)

At the O&G Clinic:

Doc:After your explanation, i think i need to take ur urine test for UPT (Urine Pregnancy Test)

Me: aikk?? pregnant??

Doc: xpe Puan Mashitah, check dulu,k..

Me:ok, then..(n trus menuju ke toilet dgn nervousnye...aik???pregnant???seramnye...)

In doctor's room(while waiting for the test...ish, seram mcm nak tggu result exam plak rasenye...huhu)

Doc:Mashitah,da ready for 2nd baby aite?

Me: err...err....

Doc: Congratulations,its positive!!!

Me: haaa?????really??? eh tak tak.doc, its wrong! it can't be...!! i'm having my menstruation! xkanla??

Doc: its ok, dat's not period, dats what we call discharge-darah yg keluar kaler coklat gelap-sign of implantation(dats what he said, thou i don't really understand..huhu)

Me: abis?? saye sakit ke? baby saye? ok ke? nape bleeding?????

Doc: Rilex, Puan.calm down,ok, doc akan buat scan and there we'll see...

In the ECG room...

Huhu..scarry..nape kena check 'dis way'?

Doc: To make sure its not an ectopic pregnancy..

Once the ECG running, i can see clearly,
a tiny, petite , in a size of a sesame seed, right on the uterus wall...

Doc: that's him/her...nampak kan??

Me: ooo yekee???wa, so cutee(kecik lagii lee)

a tears of joy, a very warm one, running down my cheeks...alahai..sian die.....

Doc: so, Puan, i'll give u medicine,and make sure u come back after one week k!

there i go..a new journey,of my new baby, may everything goes with the flow,help me Allah!!! amin!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Despicable me!

Posted by Mashy a.k.a Mummyrayyan at 12:40 AM 0 comments
saye termenung lagi...kali ini lebih jauh....cikgu? ye...saye kini seorang bahasa silap. eh betul lah!!!! eh susahnye...

i 'm a lady(am i??) i'm a wife to my hubby dearie, a mother to Rayyan Rifqie, a daughter to my lovey dovey parents, and a teacher to my students.

But still...its incorrect!!!

20years back, when my teacher asked me:

T: mashitah, awk da besar nak jadi ape?
A: Saye nak jadi doctor,cekgu...
T: Doctor ape?
A:Doctor haiwan,sebab kucing saye baru je mati..nanti saye nak carik ubat yg wat die idop lame2...sobsss

itula cita2 zaman dolu2....

10 years back: (18yrs old)

In one of the cozy lecture hall,in Uitm...

Lecturer: Allright class, write about what you want to be in another 3 yrs, send it tome later..

You know what have i written??

I wanted to be LIKE YOU, Madam!!! I admire your talent, your dresses, your shoes, and i love all the things about you! huhuuuu
Stalker la youuuu...euwwww my 2nd ambition when i turned teenager is: English Lecturer!!

Now; Present:

Hubby: Yang, kate nak apply masters taun ni? ke nak trus stay kat skool?

Me: Malas arrr...syg nak jadiii...suri rumahhh!!!!!!!!!!

Hubby: pulak dahh????

So that's me...Today i want to be this,tomorrow i want to be that, 10 more yrs to come, i want to be another one....haih....thinking about where will i end my career journey will drive me crazy, so i told myself to just go with the flow...

My hubby said: Ala...keje je ape yg depan mate...nanti2 ade peluang...poommm!!!! kita meletopp!!!

Me: Haaa??????????

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

dizzy and blur.

Posted by Mashy a.k.a Mummyrayyan at 11:52 PM 0 comments
Salam,n good day everyone!!! its been a very long time after i wrote the last post tru my honestsoliloquy!'s only little guy n me at home..we're having good time haa!!!!heeee..its hot and dry out there...but i managed to sang lullaby to little Rayyan(though the song sounds croaky due to my sore throats problem) Its been a while, i mean i got this kind of sore throat with ulcers disease(does it called disease?) huhu..

It's 2.55 pm, in the evening.Little guy is still in my arms, so after i make sure that he is absolutely 100% fall asleep,I put him on his comfy lil mattress (next to me, coz he'll cry out once he realised there's no one around)n i slowly tip toeing to my notebook, and what am I going to do? Facebooking? Again? Haih..bosannye hidup bile MC...I'm on leave today..Doc gave me 2 days MC.I had fever.on and off.sore throat with 'rows' of ulcers(i hate 'em), sore the must have one- flu and cough-yucks! Anyway, I used to remember my ustaz said, "Sakit itu adalah salah satu cara penghapus dosa2 kamu..." so, I must accept.The right word is 'redha'...

Still writing, my head suddenly feel so damn heavy, like a 10 kg rice is pounding me ,erghhh....i feel dizzy since morning..without knowing the reason why. Haaa...mulela ppl come out with assumption, 'haa..ko preggy kot???' huhuu...macam2 la korang ni..xleh loya sket,pening sket.., preggy aje...Looking at the calendar,my menstruation date had wave 'bye bye' ,which means, its already due 3 days ago...i don't have any idea on what situation am i facing..but I easily feel tired lately,and when i been so busy, i will become damnnnn much hungry u know! i'll eat like a monster then..sgt seram hokey??

Flipping over the pages of Ikea catalogue, 2011------wahhhh...suddenly sakit kepalaku tiadaaa..taraaaaa...hahaha..I suddenly came out with tonnes of ideas for my new house- the developer told us they will hand over the keys most probably next month,or by early december! OMG! I can't wait! We are moving to our new house! Our ver own one!!! I loikeee!!!!!!! :)

Back to the catalogue story mory kan, i found the even lower price for sofas, armchairs,lamps, n not to forget the kitchen cabinet!! with the most reasonable price,and the quality?? of course undeniable,Ikea kan...haihh aku ni...bukan ke demam? suddenly ok je??

Now after i finish up 'studying' the whole catalogue, now I got the ideas!!! x sabarnye! Aik??? The dizziness went away tadi...die naik LRT..hehehe....

Some of the awesome products I love........;)


Friday, June 11, 2010

~my ONE stop CEnTre~

Posted by Mashy a.k.a Mummyrayyan at 4:25 AM 0 comments
Are you searching for;

* beautiful,unique design of fabrics- kain pasang for baju kurung and kebaya (imported directly from Indonesia)

* assorted and variety choices of cakes (fresh from the oven)

*cute cuppy cakes for certain occasion?

then, you may contact me and i'll be available after 22nd june 2010 =)

see you then....;)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

longing for a vacation...!!

Posted by Mashy a.k.a Mummyrayyan at 7:44 PM 0 comments

Mr holiday, here i come!!!!

it was a few months back, since i have my last holiday , to Singapore...there were only the 3 of us...but this time, we are going to have, CUTI CUTI INDONESIA!!! not only the 3 of us, but my mom in law will be there as well as my in law, my hubby uncle's family will join us as

we are going to depart tomorrow, by 1 pm, and i can't wait to say hello to mr saturday...! this will be my first time ever to reach Sukarno's land and i'm sure there will be, fun fun fun!!!

we havent finished to pack up our things, u know la, rayyan, when we pack, he'll unpack..and that was what happened continously..haih....bertuah punye berkemas, die pun same =)

we managed to pack up our clothes n his bags n bags of things to bring..itupun by 1230 am midnite baru siap!mcm nila bila ade anak kecik, brg die, of course lg banyak dr brg kite..huhuhu....sooo many things to bring, from clothes to diapers, from medicine to his smallest thingy like soother n not to forget, his bantal bucuk!! ekeke...

can't wait to meet our relatives in jakarta tomorrow!!! till we meet again after my vacation, pen off..daaaaa ;)

a new beginning....;)

Posted by Mashy a.k.a Mummyrayyan at 3:17 AM 0 comments

salam... n good day everyone!!!

it's a RESTART for blogger like me..because i used to be in, but that was a long time before...when i was still Miss Mashitah,single and available,ahaks!!

but things have changed now....hehe..jeng jeng...

i'm a fulltime wife (not housewife eh....) to mr fadhlie

a mummy to ; muhd rayyan rifqie=)

a fulltime english teacher in one of the schools in seremban =)

a lot of things have changed, and my routine of life have changed as became busier, but merrier and happier than before..=) ~wink wink~

being a mummy is never easy, but i learn a new thing, every single day and being a mummy is when you are tired,but you never complaint,when you are tense,but you are learning about your new family member..and the feeling is just too wonderful to be described, and to be written ...=)
Rayyan, mummy is very proud to have you,baby.i pray,everyday,that u'll grow up and become a good son, who will never forget his parents....=)

being a wife, to my man, is the most wonderful moment in my life...he is the one, my best friend,my tears,my laughter,my medicine,my everything..he is my one and only hubby...mohd fadhlie=)

abang,i love u muchoo!!!

dedicated to my heroes:

i just can't live without both of u!!!!