Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Despicable me!

saye termenung lagi...kali ini lebih jauh....cikgu? ye...saye kini seorang bahasa silap. eh betul lah!!!! eh susahnye...

i 'm a lady(am i??) i'm a wife to my hubby dearie, a mother to Rayyan Rifqie, a daughter to my lovey dovey parents, and a teacher to my students.

But still...its incorrect!!!

20years back, when my teacher asked me:

T: mashitah, awk da besar nak jadi ape?
A: Saye nak jadi doctor,cekgu...
T: Doctor ape?
A:Doctor haiwan,sebab kucing saye baru je mati..nanti saye nak carik ubat yg wat die idop lame2...sobsss

itula cita2 zaman dolu2....

10 years back: (18yrs old)

In one of the cozy lecture hall,in Uitm...

Lecturer: Allright class, write about what you want to be in another 3 yrs, send it tome later..

You know what have i written??

I wanted to be LIKE YOU, Madam!!! I admire your talent, your dresses, your shoes, and i love all the things about you! huhuuuu
Stalker la youuuu...euwwww my 2nd ambition when i turned teenager is: English Lecturer!!

Now; Present:

Hubby: Yang, kate nak apply masters taun ni? ke nak trus stay kat skool?

Me: Malas arrr...syg nak jadiii...suri rumahhh!!!!!!!!!!

Hubby: pulak dahh????

So that's me...Today i want to be this,tomorrow i want to be that, 10 more yrs to come, i want to be another one....haih....thinking about where will i end my career journey will drive me crazy, so i told myself to just go with the flow...

My hubby said: Ala...keje je ape yg depan mate...nanti2 ade peluang...poommm!!!! kita meletopp!!!

Me: Haaa??????????

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Despicable me!

Posted by Mashy a.k.a Mummyrayyan at 12:40 AM
saye termenung lagi...kali ini lebih jauh....cikgu? ye...saye kini seorang bahasa silap. eh betul lah!!!! eh susahnye...

i 'm a lady(am i??) i'm a wife to my hubby dearie, a mother to Rayyan Rifqie, a daughter to my lovey dovey parents, and a teacher to my students.

But still...its incorrect!!!

20years back, when my teacher asked me:

T: mashitah, awk da besar nak jadi ape?
A: Saye nak jadi doctor,cekgu...
T: Doctor ape?
A:Doctor haiwan,sebab kucing saye baru je mati..nanti saye nak carik ubat yg wat die idop lame2...sobsss

itula cita2 zaman dolu2....

10 years back: (18yrs old)

In one of the cozy lecture hall,in Uitm...

Lecturer: Allright class, write about what you want to be in another 3 yrs, send it tome later..

You know what have i written??

I wanted to be LIKE YOU, Madam!!! I admire your talent, your dresses, your shoes, and i love all the things about you! huhuuuu
Stalker la youuuu...euwwww my 2nd ambition when i turned teenager is: English Lecturer!!

Now; Present:

Hubby: Yang, kate nak apply masters taun ni? ke nak trus stay kat skool?

Me: Malas arrr...syg nak jadiii...suri rumahhh!!!!!!!!!!

Hubby: pulak dahh????

So that's me...Today i want to be this,tomorrow i want to be that, 10 more yrs to come, i want to be another one....haih....thinking about where will i end my career journey will drive me crazy, so i told myself to just go with the flow...

My hubby said: Ala...keje je ape yg depan mate...nanti2 ade peluang...poommm!!!! kita meletopp!!!

Me: Haaa??????????

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